Bugzy full size

Bugzy full size
Bugzy is an original design and creation by illustrator Tara Calahan King. Fabricated by: Ron Schlemmer.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Library card month and the road runner

Great day everyone!  Bugzy here again.  Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.  It was quiet here at the library since we were closed Monday.  Back in business today!

September is National Library Card sign up month.  If you don't have a card, I will tell you more how to get a card.  But first, there have been some things I have been thinking about.

I have been watching some of these old "Road Runner" cartoons while I am not at the library.  I do not understand them.  If the coyote can afford all of those "Acme" gadgets, why doesn't he just buy food?  And the coyote can clearly run fast.  Why doesn't he just chase after a slower animal?  And why doesn't the coyote die after falling off a tall cliff?  The Road Runner is really cool, why does he want to eat him?  I don't understand it at all.

OK back to sign up month.  Kids and teens who register a card for the first time will receive a free food coupon.  I can see now on at the front desk we have a neat prize for adults who sign up too.

According to what the staff has told me, children ages 0-13 need a signature of a parent or legal guardian.  Residents of Dearborn County can get a card for free.  As a courtesy to the schools in our area service district area, students who attend Lawrenceburg Community Schools or Sunman Dearborn Schools and who are not a resident of Dearborn County are eligible for a one year temporary card.  That is great!

As you know, I love books!  And I love to read!  Children who read well grow up to be active and successful adults!  Using library materials helps children to read well.

Reading is not about killing time, it is about exploring your world.  Learn about something you may want to do as a hobby, or just like reading about, or as a career!

Next time, a Top 10 List!!


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